Saturday, February 21, 2009

Winter's almost over?

OK, it's a whooping 18 degrees this morning and its almost the end of February. The sun is shining so what's wrong with this picture? Don't get me wrong, I love snow. I don't have to do yard work! I just want it to be in the 30's or something! And I do not promise to not complain this summer when it's 104 degrees.


Teachinfourth said...

Can we hold you to that?

I do have to say that I it must have been up in the mid forties and it was wonderful. I am soooooo ready for winter to find an end...

Kathy said...

Most of the spring birds have arrived and the sun reflecting off of the snow, even in these temperatures, is making my trees bud out. We have so much snow though that if it all starts thawing at once, we will have two feet of water under the house!
By the way, I said I WILL still complain when it's hot this summer :)

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a lot of snow! Well I like the snow, for a month. But I have to say I love the 100 degree weather!

Kathy said...

Yup, I'd say you were a sun worshiper :)

Lucie said...

Did you take that picture? Those poor deer! Don't let the kitties out, you'll never find them again!

Kathy said...

No, but it looks like that out the east windows. Kitties seem to keep coming home.
The snow on the north side of the fence is still over my head and the shed roof caved in!

Teachinfourth said...

Mom, it's snowing's kind of pretty, but to be honest, I really was hoping for a torrential burst of rain...ah well.

Kathy said...

Yeah, it's snowing here today too. Four more inches this morning on the ski hill and it's still coming down even here in the valley. Guess where Peter's at today? It's the last week of the ski season because of Spring Break and FREE all week so I'm sure there are tons of people up there! Ah, for the solitude of housework.