When my oldest son was about 13 and his younger brother nearly 3 years old, he, Jason told me about a dream he had the previous night.
" I had a dream last night , Mom. Yancy and I were out on the lake in a boat. Somehow the boat sank and I was holding Yancy up because he was so little and couldn't swim. Help hadn't gotten there yet and I was too tired to hold us both up any longer. I stood with my feet touching the bottom and my head was underwater but Yancy was on my shoulders so he could breathe....The thing is Mom.... if this really was to happen.....I would do the same thing again."
It brought tears to my eyes to look on this young man knowing he was already capable of such great compassion and sacrifice. It still does.
Happy Birthday Jason. Thank you for being my son.
Thanks for posting this, Mom...I don't remember this, but I would do that for my brother...
Your welcome. I have always believed this to be so.
Thanks for sharing this story mom. I have the best brother.
This young boy you talk about is exactly as I imagine the Mr. Z I have become so fond of in the passing months. Reading his blog(s) has been nothing short of pure entertainment, inspiration and joy. If Yancy is anything like Jason (which I have a feeling he is) - then you are the very blessed recipient of one of life's precious twofers!! Happy Birthday (2010) to your wonderful son, and Happy Birthing Day to you, Mom!
You have an awesome son! Wishing you a happy day on his birthday as well. :-)
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