Alright, first the disclaimer: I love my cats but I'm probably going to piss somebody off with this one. Assuming anyone reads this.
I don't think that cats, on average, are very bright. Around our house we use the word 'gifted'.
Our male tabby siamese, Spanky, holds the title, 'Supreme Gifted' ever since he jumped onto the wood stove while it was burning. I don't trust his smarts enough to make it home safely on any given night and pray daily for his safe return. We also have a Russian Blue named Lilly. Her favorite nap spot in the Ozarks was the middle of the road in front of our house. She just took over the title this morning. She's extremely persistant when there is something she wants. She was nagging me in the kitchen to let her out while I was trying to get ready for work. I knew what she wanted but figured I would be on my way out the door in 5 minutes. She could wait.
Into the kitchen walks Gryphon, our standard poodle. Lilly immedialtely ran to him complaining about my lack of action and led him to the door expecting to be let out by a dog...but then of course he followed her?
Ha ha! That definitely sounds like something Lily would do! "If the higher intelligence won't let me out, then I'll go to the next best thing!" She probably would've had better luck asking Scully for help, she can talk at least!
Yeah. We have a family of red tail hawks that have been displaced by the fire on Quartzite. They must have had a nest up there in the cliffs because we saw them flying through the smoke during the fire. The young fledgelings hang out in the cottonwood trees next to us and call all day long. Yesterday Papa said to Scully " What if we put you out in the yard and you could meet the hawks?" Scully's response was "Whatever" LOL
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