Monday, January 12, 2009


Reading has always been a big part of my life. I always loved to read to my children and was thrilled when Lucie stared reading to me! She read all of the Harry Potter books to me while we walked (quite an art in itself). When it was raining she would put it in a plastic bag or sometimes the book just got wet, when it was dark she used a flashlight. When we went to town she read in the car. We read lots of books that way, and I really miss those times. I still read, but by myself now. She got me stared on the “Twilight” series and I have now read all 4 of them (and seen the movie!).

Sometimes I go through phases of philosophical or biography books. Recently I have been reading more fiction than anything else. Sometimes it’s a nice escape like Twilight and sometimes not. Take for instance “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” Peter and I started that one together with an audio book. I just finished it and must say it was very draining. I will not be able to pick anything else up for awhile. I had suggested Peter read another of Mr. Hosseini’s books that I had read awhile back, “The Kite Runner” and he really enjoyed that one. It was an excellent book so we dived into this next one. It’s rather hard to describe my feelings after reading this book but it was similar to the feeling I had after “Ishmael.” It was like you will not be the same person again after reading it; I guess that is the best measure a book can stand by.

Last summer I read “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. This is another one of those books. I thought about that story every day for months. They have recently made a movie based on this Pulitzer Prize winner. I can only hope they don’t try to cheer it up for audiences. I’m sure it could be a classic but doubt it will be a box office success. I highly recommend a read before seeing the film.

It may be time for some light reading for awhile.


♥Miya said...

Did you ever get a chance to read Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card? That one is phenomenal. It's a long story, but it's highly possible that Roy and I never would have met if it hadn't been for our mutual love of that book.

Kathy said...

Whoa, that sounds like a story in itself. I have Ender's Shadow but was waiting till I got Game because I want to read that one first. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Danny and I have read a lot of Dean Koontz books. The Road sounds good. Have you read Into The Wild?

Kathy said...

I have read the account of Christopher McCandless and his death in remote Alaska but not that book. It sounds interesting though. The only book by Dean Koonts that I have read was back in the seventies and was about a Cyber detective. It was rather scary! I think the title was A Werewolf Among Us or something.

Lucie said...

Those were fun times weren't they? Maybe I'll have to come back home for a while so we can read the last Harry Potter book together! I need to let you borrow the "Switchers Omnibus" too, since you never got to finish the last one!

Kathy said...

Yeah, I still haven't read the last one. I would like to read that Switcher's book too.