Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tundra Swans

One recent morning as I went out to the car to leave for work I heard a familiar muted whistling sound coming to me. I looked up momentarily confused because my mind said "Geese, but not geese".
Living on the wetlands gives us the joy of being surrounded by migrating and local creatures, winged and otherwise and those creatures who in turn prey on them. The sound of geese is very familiar here, especially this time of year. This was softer, not a new sound but one not heard for a long time. Whistling Swans are what we used to call them. Now they are called Tundra Swans.
Tundra swans mate for life and spend a full year together before leaving for the breeding grounds across the tundra atop North America.
They are so graceful and were striking to gaze at against the blue morning sky.
I was happy to see them and it felt like seeing an old, dear friend after a long absence.
They seemed to be giving me a gentle send off for my day. Reminding me to be so with my fellow beings. We all have a long journey before us in a rough world.
I have enjoyed their brief visit but now they must be off.

May they keep us on their flight path.